Small Kitchen Layout Ideas

So, your kitchen is on the small side and you are looking for ideas to make the most out of the space you have. Take a look at this blog for more ideas…


As a nation, we demand a lot from our kitchens on a day to day basis. They should be well made, easy to navigate and they should have a good-sized worktop run for food preparation.


Multi-functional elements are key too – whether it be an oven that doubles as a microwave oven or even an L-shaped that can also double up as a breakfast bar. A plus side of a smaller kitchen is that you can often select made to measure storage or high-quality materials that will stand up to the day to day beating that a kitchen receives.


Reflect on things to create the illusion of space

If you use reflective surfaces they will create an illusion of more room. Reflective surfaces also work well with a handle-less design – another great modern space-saving tip so you don’t need to squeeze past large handles.


Opt for a Galley

Double galley layouts are great for narrow spaces. With two runs of cabinets sitting parallel to one another, you can design your kitchen so that everything is close to hand. If possible, try to keep walls and tall cabinets to one side of your kitchen layout to allow enough room for food preparation etc.


Let in the light

Light is a key component to making a smaller kitchen appear bigger. You can do this by introducing natural daylight. Also, white surfaces help in reflecting as much light into the room as possible, and you may also want to consider a splash of colour too.


Smart Storage Solutions

Why not fit deep cabinetry and pull out drawers or maybe even a cage system for a discrete, multi-layered storage system. For corner units maybe look to add a carousel to help you to get to hard to reach items at the back. Interior storage mechanisms will add cost to any kitchen but are extremely worthwhile and allow you to make the most out of the space you have available.


Islands in your kitchen

Yes, you really can have an island in a small kitchen! If you’re clever about how you plan it out. Avoid installing large appliances on the island as these may take up too much space. Instead, try to build in storage into the island.


Use of colour

Light tones are the most obvious for a smaller kitchen but don’t be afraid to get some colour in there. A bold coloured wall can add a sense of drama, particularly when the doors on the cupboards are painted the same colour as the walls. Try out sample pots in your kitchen to see what works well in your space alongside the natural light that enters the room.


Hide and Seek

If your kitchen is an open plan layout, there may be times you just want to shut it away from the rest of the space in the room. A single run kitchen could be cleverly hidden away with some pocket doors that can slide into the walls. Lighting is also a key ingredient in how a small kitchen appears. There are many ways to include LED light strips to the top of your walls or underneath some overhead cabinets which will cascade some light down. This in turn will make your kitchen appear brighter and bigger.


Seating Solutions

If you do opt for a U-shaped or L-shaped kitchen you could add a café style seating area on the outside of the kitchen. This in turn creates a more open feel and makes it easier to cook and interact with family and friends at the same time.


Bend the Rules

Reconfiguring an existing kitchen or layout can open up the potential of your small kitchen. Why not look at creating a U-shaped design by incorporating some cabinets alongside some built-in appliances as well as a peninsula breakfast bar. This will create a nice casual seating area.


Reach for new heights

It can be tricky to strike a balance of ample storage without the room feeling too crowded. However, adding shelving can be a clever way to still add height but not crown your room. Why not get all those pots and pans on the walls and on shelves and benefit from the new space you have just created.


Remember, for any more space-saving tips and ideas why not speak to the team at Plumbing for Less on 0113 322 3140 or email