WAVIN Hep2O UFH Standard Controls

As with any type of heating, Underfloor Heating (UFH) operation requires time and temperature control. Room Thermostats are used to monitor the air temperature in a heating zone. They interact with a Programmable Control Centre, which can determine whether there needs to be an adjustment to the water flow to achieve the desired temperature. In turn, the Control Centre interacts with an actuator positioned on the system's plumbed manifold to turn the flow of water into the floor on or off. The choice of controls will initially be based on these key factors:

Select Wired Thermostats if:

Select Wireless Thermostats if:

Select Networked Control system if:

In addition, special operational features and functions may be included to enhance convenience (e.g. remote operation) or operational safeguards for householders (e.g. frost settings, child/interface lock).
Wavin Controls range provide a comprehensive choice for solutions tailored to the specific needs of each installation - and the preferences of the householders.

All Wavin UFH StandardControls are suitable for any Hep2O UFH system.